Students in the Winter Term Contemporary Health class visit Cone Health, Nutrition and Diabetes Lifestyle Center to learn about diabetes.
Students in Assistant Professor of Public Health Studies Sandra Darfour-Oduro’s Contemporary Health course met with Phil Aubel, a registered dietitian at Cone Health’s Nutrition and Diabetes Lifestyle Center in Burlington to better understand diabetes.
The students learned about diabetes, including the types of diabetes, how diabetes is diagnosed, what raises blood sugar, what lowers blood sugar and interventions for people living with diabetes. Aubel shared the importance of physical activity and a healthy diet in regulating blood sugar.
Students in Darfour-Oduro’s course learn about contemporary health issues in the USA and globally. Topics covered in the class include the leading non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and risk factors that contribute substantially to morbidity and mortality globally. Among the NCDs discussed in the class include cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes.
Read More: Students in Contemporary Health course visit Cone Health Nutrition and Diabetes Lifestyle