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HomeLifestyleLifestyle And Your Blood Pressure

Lifestyle And Your Blood Pressure


For many people, medications may be needed to treat high blood pressure, but for everyone making lifestyle changes can make a big difference.

Keeping blood pressure in healthy ranges is important to heart health and lowering your risk of cardiovascular diseases and kidney disease. Learn more about the importance of maintaining healthy blood pressure.

“On average it can take up to three months for lifestyle changes to affect blood pressure, but it is different for each person,” said Dr. Vijay Nambi, cardiologist and professor of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. “It can depend on the intensity of lifestyle changes as well as what the patient was doing before changes were made. If it was an extremely unhealthy lifestyle, results of healthy changes can be more apparent.”

Nambi adds that it is important to include healthy lifestyle changes along with other treatments your doctor recommends. It can not only affect blood pressure, but it can improve other health issues as well.

Here are some lifestyle changes to consider and discuss with your doctor before medications are needed.

Healthy diet

Focus on ways to replace high sodium foods and processed meals with more of what will benefit your heart health such as vegetables, fruits and lean proteins. Talk to your doctor about the types of foods you might need to cut back on and what should be added to help control or reduce blood pressure.


Physical activity and weight loss can help control blood pressure. A combination of a healthy diet and at least 30 minutes daily of moderate physical activity such as walking, jogging or even dancing can help improve your numbers. Adding weightlifting or some type of strength training twice a week also is suggested for cardiovascular health. It is important to work with a doctor to understand what movement will be most effective.

Quit smoking

Stopping smoking not only lowers blood pressure, but it also lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and improves overall health.

Reduce stress

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