Former Punjab Congress President Navjot Singh Sidhu’s wife Navjot Kaur has won the battle against cancer. Navjot Singh Sidhu announced on Thursday that his wife is cancer-free. Former MLA Navjot Kaur Sidhu is now completely cancer-free. Navjot Kaur underwent a positron emission tomography (PET) scan, which revealed that she was out of danger and beat the deadly disease. Talking to the media, Navjot Singh Sidhu said that his wife had stage 4 invasive cancer. Doctors had given up, but her courage and determination put an end to this dangerous disease. Navjot Singh Sidhu said that for this, he made a lot of changes in his lifestyle and diet and defeated cancer in just 40 days.
Navjot Kaur Sidhu had stage-4 invasive cancer. She also had to undergo breast surgery for “rarest metastasis”. Navjot Kaur has been battling cancer for more than 1 year. But she faced the disease with courage. She told how the doctors had lost hope during the third stage itself. Navjot Kaur said that after her son’s marriage, her cancer returned and she doubted her survival. But she never lost hope and faced the disease bravely.
Navjot Kaur Sidhu Defeated Cancer
Navjot Kaur Sidhu got treatment in government hospitals in Patiala including hospitals like Rajendra Medical College. Navjot Kaur’s routine and lifestyle played an important role in defeating cancer. During recovery, Sidhu and his wife used things like lemon water, raw turmeric, apple cider vinegar, neem leaves, and basil in their daily routine.Â
Consumed turmeric, lemon water and sour things
He ate walnuts, beetroot, pumpkin, amla, pomegranate and fruits rich in vitamin C. Included anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer things in the diet. Used cold pressed oil for cooking which includes coconut oil, peanut oil, and almond oil. Started the day with tea made of cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, and jaggery.
Lifestyle and fasting are said to be effective
Sidhu said, ‘In case of cancer, keep a gap between meal times, do not eat sweets, do not eat carbohydrates, then cancer cells start dying automatically. Eat dinner by 6 pm and start the day by drinking lemon water at 10 am the next day. After this, chew and eat 10-12 neem leaves.’
Navjot Singh also lost 25 kg weight
This diet and lifestyle were adopted by Navjot Singh Sidhu along with his wife Navjot Kaur Sidhu. Due to this, his fatty liver problem was cured and he also lost 25 kg of his weight.Â
ALSO READ:Â Avoid THESE 5 bad lifestyle habits that can cause cancer at a later stage
Read More: Navjot Singh Sidhu’s wife defeats Stage-4 cancer by adopting THESE healthy lifestyle habits