Winters are upon us, and it’s going to be a ‘physical’ struggle to extricate yourself from the bed long enough to get your shoes on and go for a run. Also, not everyone is a huge fan of running. Building a habit to run everyday takes discipline, will power, and strength.
So, the question is — is it worth it to keep running even as the mercury drops? The answer is — yes. Running in winter has several many benefits, including faster recovery, better immunity, prevention of winter weight gain, etc.
7 Benefits of running in winter
1. Winter running can help prevent holiday weight gain
We are more likely to eat more and move less in winter. This could cause our bodies to store more fat in winter which can slow down metabolism, especially if we are not physically active. This lifestyle habit can lead to sneaky seasonal weight gain, which could be hard to drop.
Running in cold weather can help prevent winter weight gain. It will also maintain your metabolism and a healthy weight all year around.
2. Winter running can help prevent SAD
You can boost your cardiovascular system by running in winter as your body does not have to work hard to cool down. Your heart can freely focus on delivering oxygen to your muscles efficiently.
Exercising in cold weather amps up the body’s tolerance to stressors, and reduces the risks of cardiovascular diseases, according to a study published in the Life Sciences journal in 2023.
6. Winter running can increase endurance and stamina
As mentioned earlier, running in winter makes your body work harder to keep itself warm. This could help in building endurance and stamina if done regularly. This can also help your body use oxygen more efficiently.
Better endurance and stamina improve our physical performance and ability to sustain in any physical activity.
7. Winter running can boost immunity
Read More: 7 Benefits Of Running In Cold Weather—Combat Winter Depression, Holiday Weight Gain & More!