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Tapala Nadamuni spent Rs 20,000 for the project. (Photo Credits: Official website/
Tapala Nadamuni’s vacuum cleaner is made majorly from a refillable ballpoint pen, and some plastic as well as metal.
From the longest hair on a teenager (Sidakdeep Singh Chahal) to being the shortest woman living (Jyoti Amge), Indians have been making waves when it comes to Guinness World Records. Now, another Indian has been making us proud by creating a unique vacuum cleaner. A 23-year-old student Tapala Nadamuni has earned the Guinness World Record title by producing the world’s smallest vacuum cleaner.
Measuring just 0.65 cm or 0.25 inch, the wonder vacuum cleaner is less than the width of an average pinkie fingernail. According to Guinness World Records, this latest vacuum cleaner is 0.2 cm smaller than the previous record set in 2022.
The record-keeping agency further mentioned that the vacuum cleaner is measured by the shortest axis of its body. This means that the handle and power cord dimensions are excluded from the final measurement.
Notably, Tapala Nadamuni held the same record in 2020 with a 1.76-cm vacuum cleaner. For the last two years, the 23-year-old has been attempting to win it back. His journey was marred by two failed attempts but this did not refrain Tapala from reaching his ultimate goal.
Guinness World Records reported that the young man “came with a completely new design” this time after trying his hands on 50 schematic diagrams to ensure his creation met the required standards. “All the students in our college were amazed at this tiny vacuum cleaner, and my faculty told me that it’s the most beautiful creation they’ve ever seen,” he told GWR.
A common equipment in a household, a vacuum cleaner is an electrically powered device which removes dust and debris by suction. Tapala was initially finding it challenging to achieve adequate suction in his device. However, with further alterations to his design, he achieved the desired model.
Tapala Nadamuni’s vacuum is made majorly from a refillable ballpoint pen, and some plastic as well as metal. It has a tiny rotating fan inside which is powered by a four-volt vibration motor, helping in the suction process. The project cost was estimated at Rs 20,000.
Read More: 23-Year-Old Indian Creates World’s Smallest Vacuum Cleaner With Ballpoint Pen – News18